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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How often and how long will we meet?

If our schedules allow, it's helpful (not required) to start out weekly to gain momentum at the start of our work. At some point, we may decide together to space out to every 2 or 4 weeks depending on your needs and therapy goals.


Duration varies. Some folks have very targeted objectives and feel ready to end after a handful of sessions. Others may choose to continue for maintenance and support even after accomplishing their initial intentions for the work. And others have multiple or evolving goals, or they may be addressing concerns that call for longer-term therapy. We'll collaborate to determine goals and timeline as we go. 


If we space out or pause our sessions and you later seek to resume or increase our frequency, I can't guarantee I'll have immediate openings that align with your schedule. But I can work with you to meet your request when suitable openings become available or provide referrals to other providers. 

Q: What's the deal with teletherapy?

Teletherapy is a great option for fitting therapy into your busy life and minimizing time spent in traffic. We'd meet virtually over a HIPAA-compliant video-conferencing platform. The content of sessions is the same, but you get to experience the benefits of therapy from the comfort of your own space. Research shows teletherapy is just as effective as in-person services, and I have found that a strong, meaningful therapeutic relationship can be built with my clients even through a screen. 


For teletherapy to be a good fit for you, you'd need access to a comfortable, fully private space where you can remain stationary (i.e., no car rides during therapy). It's important to set yourself up someplace you won't be overheard or interrupted and where you'll have access to a computer with a webcam and reliable internet. I generally ask clients not to do anything during teletherapy you wouldn't do in-office (e.g., multitasking, consuming alcohol) so you can be as present as possible during our time together.


Since I'm authorized to practice under PSYPACT, I can provide teletherapy to clients physically located in any PSYPACT-participating state at the time of a given session. 

Q: Can you provide last-minute sessions or phone check-ins if I'm in crisis?

The structure of my practice isn't conducive to being available for crisis response. Folks in need of crisis support should access one or more of the following resources: 

988 National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline (call, text, or chat)  |

Trans Lifeline  |

Crisis Text Line  |

Find your Texas county's local mental health crisis line  |

Q: Do you take insurance? 

I'm currently in-network with most Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas plans. For clients with other insurance carriers, I'm happy to provide a monthly superbill for the purpose of filing one's own claims for out-of-network reimbursement.


In order to use insurance, I must give a formal mental health diagnosis that would be included on the claims or superbills. The insurance company must deem the diagnosis significant enough to warrant treatment, and diagnostic information included on claims/superbills becomes a permanent part of your record.


Clients with BCBS can opt out of using their insurance for any reason. In particular, individuals who may at some point be involved in legal proceedings in which their mental health records could be subpoenaed, or those who wish to pursue employment or experiences such as the Peace Corps, high-level government work, or a military career may decide to self-pay instead.


If you have health insurance, you're encouraged to contact your insurance company to confirm your benefits. I'm happy to provide a Referral Assistance appointment or a free handout to help you with this process. 

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Vivid Path Psychotherapy, PLLC

Portrait credits: Raye Faye Creative Co.


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